Teaching at University of Washington

  • ME564 Mechanical Engineering Analysis I

    This course covers analytical and computational techniques for ordinary differential equations in an engineering context, and an introduction to complex analysis. The course emphasizes building physical intuition for dynamic systems. (Co-taught with Steve Brunton.)

  • ME565 Mechanical Engineering Analysis II

    This course provides an in-depth overview of mathematical techniques used in analysis of engineering systems, with a focus on vector calculus, partial differential equations, and frequency domain analysis. In addition to developing core analytical capabilities, computational methods used to solve engineering problems are also introduced. (Co-taught with Steve Brunton.)

  • ME498 Topics in Biomechanics

    This course covers a broad overview of biomechanics, including topics regarding humans, animals, and plants. Students see many core mechanical engineering topics revisited in a biological context. (Sometimes co-taught with Ava Obenaus.)

  • Mechanical Engineering Composite Shop

    The Mechanical Engineering Composite Shop serves students and researchers from across UW. The shop is used for research, for teaching labs for several classes, and by undergraduate senior design teams and clubs. (I no longer run the composite shop; for current info, visit me.washington.edu/shops.)

  • Mechanical Engineering Teaching Labs & Student Clubs

    As a staff engineer in the Mechanical Engineering Department, I maintained the teaching labs for the energy and fluids classes, and I served as a mentor for many of the student design teams and clubs.